Safai Karamcharis Loan Scheme in Delhi – All That You Need to Know

Delhi Safai Karamcharis Loan Scheme to Buy Sewer Cleaning Machines

Safai Karamcharis Loan Scheme – As per the latest updates, the local state government of Delhi has announced to introduce financial loan scheme for the states Safai Karamacharis (Municipal Cleaners).  Under the new scheme each of the manual scavengers working in Delhi Municipal Corporation shall be eligible for applying for loan so they can purchase Sewer cleaning equipments and machine. To get the loan for purchasing machine, the Safai Karmachari just has to invest 10 percent of the overall cost of the machine.

Safai Karamcharis Loan Scheme Launch Details

The new facility has been announced by the local state government of Delhi for benefiting the Safai Karamacharis in the city. As a part of implementation the Karmacharis can apply for loan with the local government authorities for covering up 90 percent of the purchase cost.

Sewer Cleaning machines / Manual Scavengers / Safai Karamcharis Delhi Loan Scheme

The loan benefit is available  for safai karamacharis or manual scavengers. The facility will not be provided to people who are contractors. The fund can be used by the worker to purchase new sewer cleaning machine. Some of the main benefits of this loan scheme are mentioned here below:-

  • Main aim – The local state government has announced to offer benefit of the loan under the scheme after recent death toll of 12 sewer workers within Delhi. The death was recorded when sewer workers were leaning the septic tank or sewage drains. The death were noticed since 2016 so the government had taken up the decision to offer security to workers in their work. New machines are more safe and will reduce chances of death such that workers will no longer have to enter the manholes for cleaning them.
  • Total quantity – The department has mentioned that it shall purchase over 220 machines and each worker can purchase machine for 7 year period under loan as contract. This will help sewage worker to purchase the machine.
  • Over all cost – one of the most important points to keep in mind is that the overall cost of each machine can go up to Rs 38 lakhs. The loan or financial assistance of 75 percent will be provided by SBI. The bank will offer the loan at the rate of 11 percent yearly. For ST/ SC corporation 15 percent of the cost will be given at the rate of 10 percent yearly. Rest of the machine cost will be paid by the worker. This move will offer workers an opportunity to be entrepreneurs.
  • Income opportunity – The government has also announced that the process of checking with workers after procuring the machine will be undertaken by the government. The worker will also be able to generate an income of Rs 40 to 50 thousand on monthly basis once the loan amount has been paid.

Safai Karamcharis Loan Scheme Key features

  • The loan amount can be used by the workers to purchase new sewer cleaning machine. With this it is obvious that each of the worker will be able to earn Rs 40 to 50 thousand monthly wage.
  • As the machine is more advanced so the risk factor taken by manual scavengers will also be eliminated. With the new move it is obvious that the workers can improve their standard of living.
  • As more number of safai karamacharis will be able to avail the loan benefit so the environment within the city will also be maintained neat and clean.
  • To make the implementation process more effective the government will invest in over 220 machines. To operate one machine the government will hire four individuals. So with the new implementation more number of people will get job opportunity.

To make the process of implementation more effective the local government will provide with guidelines to be followed by malls, hotels and hospitals.

The state government has also mentioned that it shall pay more attention towards the dependents of the safai karamacharis, who lost their lives earlier. The government will also take all measures to help improve the sewage management system.

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