Digital Initiatives By EIC To Ensure Ease of Export

Minister Prabhu launches digital Initiatives by EIC for ease of export

Digital Initiatives: With an aim to boost the export oriented business in the country, the Export Inspection Council (EIC) has announced to launch the Digital Initiative. The new initiative has been implemented on account of offering with convenience within the export sector in the country. With the new implementation the Council also aims that it will help in boosting the country within the food and agricultural export sectors.

Digital Initiatives Launch Details

The announcement for new initiative was officially made by Suresh Prabhu – Civil Aviation, Industry and Commerce Minister of the country GOI. The new implementation has been made for the exports sectors within the country. The launch will be supervised during the implementation stage by the EIC (Export Inspection Council).

Digital Initiatives Key Features

  • It is expected that the food exports sector and agricultural sector within the country will get full benefit under the new initiative. It is also expected that the new implementation has been made keeping in mind the changing trend within the exports sector on global platform.
  • The GOI (government of India) has announced to launch the new flagship project along with department for export certification. The new drive has been launched under digital India platform. The authorities shall be introducing web portal (three in number).
  • With the new web portal services the transaction time will be reduced. It will also offer with low cost and maximum transparency for each transaction involved. This new initiative will further help in strengthening the production market within the country along with providing the convenience of certification and inspection.
  • Apart from offering with convenience of export the new initiative will also help in promoting the idea of Go green within the country. The new digital platform will also prove helpful in eliminating the usage of paper work as all transactions and inspections along with certifications can be maintained in the digital format online on the web portal. This will further help in preventing the loss of trees for paper production.
  • The digital platform has also been integrated with entire food export industries and sector. This has been done with an aim to offer with efficient, transparent and fast services within the sector for all businesses. Various services belonging to government sector including primary production industry, aqua culture pond services, primary produce units and apiaries along with chain catch has been integrated in the system.
  • Apart from above mentioned services control units, exports units and laboratories with regulators have been integrated with the services for maximum traceability. It is considered as single integrated web portal services for customers for stake holders, accrediting bodies at the same time.

With the above mentioned implementation the government aims that it will prove helpful in taking joint decisions and providing convenience of joint certificate issuing and reducing cost and time of processing. This will further help in taking immediate action by multiple regulating bodies for maintaining food safety.

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