Ration Cards Inter-State Mobility FPS Fair Price Shop

Ration cards: inter state mobility FPS (Fair Price Shop)

FPS Fair Price Shop: According to latest updates from the Central government, Ration card holders will now be able to purchase their ration from any valid FPS (Fair Price Shop) of their own choice.  The facility will be provided by the government to be implemented with each state of the country. The eligible candidates will be able to purchase ration inter-state wise.

Implementation Details of FPS Fair Price Shop

The government has stated that the new implementation will be made available for people from the month of April 2018. Apart from this the government has also stated that the new drive will be introduced in the initial stages in shops having installed ePOS (Electronic Point of Sale) devices at their ends.

Key Features of FPS Fair Price Shop

  • Under the new scheme the state government has announced that it shall be offering with inter-state benefit to the people such that they are having convenience at the time of purchasing their monthly ration quotas.
  • To make the process more easy and comfortable for people the government has also instructed most FPS (Fair Price Shops) to start making use of the ePOS devices at their shops. The process is also on in various shops state wide with over 56 percent already using them.
  • The government has instructed that by next two months the facility will be available in most FPS nation wide. The service will thus help in offering benefit to the people of the nation as ration card holders can purchase ration from any part of the country via FPS.
  • The government has also stated that under this facility the government is providing with option where people can purchase 6 KG food grains on monthly basis (Wheat 2 Kg, Rice 3 Kg and cereals 1 Kg).
  • Under the present Yojana the government shall be offering people with 5 Kg ration allocation every month. Apart from this the government has also stated that people registered with Antyodaya Anna Scheme will be receiving assistance of 35 Kg grains monthly that is valid for each poor family.
  • To make the scheme more effective nation wide the government has also ensured that it has linked over 30.71 crore official bank accounts nation wide under the PM Jan Dhan Scheme. Apart from this over 18.05 crore accounts have been made functional in semi-urban and rural areas.
  • The government has made it very clear that it aims at taking maximum advantage of available technology so that the people of the country can benefit.
  • The government has also made it clear that ePOS will be able to record all transactions performed in various FPS so misuse may be avoided. Within the state wise the distribution of ration will be very much fair and error free as people will be able to use the ration cards at all shops nationwide.


One of the main benefits to the government is that the new ePOS systems can be linked to the central system so that the information can be shared amongst the state and the central government.

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